
OC&C Strategy Consultants 'Strategic Insights 2015' global magazineOC&C strategy consultants graduate recruitment collateralRPC 'Wonderwall' –  legal industry awards and accolades showcaseRPC 'Wonderwall' awards submission box setRPC 'Wonderwall' internal rewards scheme materialsReed Smith 'Business Cross Borders' campaignSlaughter and May annual general counsel event materialsKingston University 'Green Fingers' emissions awareness campaignBlue Sky Performance 'The Experience Chronicle’ TSB training event newspaper and self assessment

Our hope was to push the boundaries, we had a concept in mind but turned to the Doublelix team for their creativity. From there on, Doublelix worked as an extension of our team to bring the concept to life - we felt incredibly supported throughout and we were thrilled with the final product.
Jeyda Star, Senior PR and Communications Manager for Europe and the Middle East Reed Smith LLP